Al Pantone

3D Printing

3D printed tabletop gaming miniature of a dwarf rogue

Dwarf rogue tabletop gaming miniature, printed in resin and primed

3D printed tabletop gaming miniature of a rat skeleton and a rat swarm

Rat skeleton and rat swarm tabletop gaming miniatures, printed in PLA

3D printed parts for a 3D printer

3D printer part upgrades, printed in PLA

3D printed tabletop gaming terrain of a junkyard scene

Tabletop gaming terrain of a junk pile, printed in PLA

3D printed coins of fantasy currency

Coins for tabletop gaming, printed in PLA and primed

Projects made on home 3D printers

I've been interested in 3D printing for a very long time, but I only got my first printer at the start of 2020. Since then, I've been designing and printing all the time. A lot of my prints are for when my friends and I play Dungeons and Dragons, but I've been branching out beyond trinkets to practical objects as well.

Most of my projects are models from Thingiverse that I modify in Blender. I love to make something from scratch, but when I need something for game night tonight, it's great to have a vast library of objects I can print for personal use.